I asked at the local fruit and veg shop if they wanted to get rid of some cardboard boxes and they were keen to off load them! So I set about just pushing the marshmallows over and putting cardboard over the top weighted down with bricks. This didn't look very good but was doing the job :) I just lay the cardboard right up to the plants that I was keeping.

I wanted to put a mulch over the top to cover up the cardboard but recently I had been to hear ted Brown from the Wimmera Native Plant Nursery
and he mentioned that during the Horsham fires on Black Saturday organic mulches like bark chip had caught fire and being light had blown with the huge winds into spouts and stuff so I wasn't keen on that! He said that pebbles/rocks can make an attractive mulch and water passes through, it doesn't break down. I rang the local concrete place and ordered a tonne of 20mm rocks. I took in my rickety old trailer and the guy put less than a tonne on cause he was worried about me making it home! I loaded wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow full of rocks and carefully covered up the cardboard. I think it looks fantastic!

That rocks! LOL
Seriously though, that's spot on!
Ha yes I've been making lots of rocks jokes LOL and singing Rocks Anne you don't have to put on the red light hehehehehe
That looks awesome Kirsty! Good job woman :P
Kirsty - looks fabulous!
The impressive make of the usage within the items of not using materials by the brilliant plans of remaking it. Thanks for the share.
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Ha yes I've been making lots of rocks jokes LOL and singing Rocks Anne you don't have to put on the red light hehehehehe
Excellent blog...Thanks for sharing
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